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    • Lambda Expressions : 43

    • Anonymous Classes : 42

    • Practice with Interfaces : 41

    • Implementing Interfaces : 40

    • Using Interfaces : 39

    • Working with Exceptions : 38

    • Throwing Exceptions : 37

    • Catching Exceptions : 36

    • References and Polymorphism : 35

    • References : 34

    • Data Modeling 2 : 33

    • Equality and Object Copying : 32

    • Polymorphism : 31

    • Inheritance : 30

    • Data Modeling 1 : 29

    • Companion Objects : 28

    • Encapsulation : 27

    • Constructors : 26

    • Objects, Continued : 25

    • Introduction to Objects : 24

    • Compilation and Immutability : 23

    • Practice with Collections : 22

    • Maps and Sets : 21

    • Lists and Type Parameters : 20

    • Imports and Libraries : 19

    • Multidimensional Arrays : 18

    • Practice with Strings : 17

    • null : 16

    • Algorithms and Strings : 15

    • Strings : 14

    • Functions and Algorithms : 13

    • Practice with Functions : 12

    • More About Functions : 11

    • Errors and Debugging : 10

    • Functions : 9

    • Practice with Loops and Algorithms : 8

    • Algorithms I : 7

    • Loops : 6

    • Arrays : 5

    • Compound Conditionals : 4

    • Conditional Expressions and Statements : 3

    • Operations on Variables : 2

    • Variables and Types : 1

    • Hello, world! : 0

    Anonymous Classes

    interface Adder {
    fun addTo(value: Int): Int
    val addOne = object : Adder {
    override fun addTo(value: Int) = value + 1
    val addEight = object : Adder {
    override fun addTo(value: Int) = value + 8

    This lesson ventures into interesting uncharted territory. Until now, our classes have needed to have names. But Kotlin doesn’t actually require this! Let’s explore anonymous classes and their uses…

    Please note that the next two lessons are on fairly advanced topics. You will see and need to understand code that uses these ideas, but testing on them will be limited.

    Warm Up Debugging Challenge
    Warm Up Debugging Challenge

    But… hold on! Let’s warm up with another debugging challenge!

    Anonymous Classes
    Anonymous Classes

    We’ve seen how to define what is called a named class. This should be familiar to us by now:

    // Person is a named class
    class Person

    However, Kotlin also allows us to define so-called anonymous classes. Let’s go through an example carefully:

    open class Person {
    open fun getType(): String {
    return "Person"
    val person = Person()
    val student = object : Person() {
    override fun getType(): String {
    return "Student"

    In contrast to named classes, anonymous classes:

    Capturing Variables
    Capturing Variables

    Anonymous classes can capture the value of variables that are available when they are created. This can be extremely useful, even if the results are a bit spooky. Let’s look at an example:

    open class Person {
    open fun getType(): String {
    return "Person"
    // Show variable capture

    Uses for Anonymous Classes
    Uses for Anonymous Classes

    We can create anonymous classes in Kotlin. Cool! But… so what!? What problems can these classes solve?

    Surprisingly, anonymous classes turn out to be common and quite powerful. Let’s look at an example.

    Imagine that we want to count the number of elements in an array of Ints that meet some condition. The condition could be that the element was positive, or negative, or odd, or even, or divisible by three, or whatever.

    One approach would be to write separate methods for each thing we would want to count:

    fun countArrayPositive(values: Array<Int>): Int {
    var count = 0
    for (value in values) {
    if (value >= 0) {
    return count
    fun countArrayNegative(values: Array<Int>): Int {
    var count = 0
    for (value in values) {
    if (value < 0) {
    return count
    fun countArrayEven(values: Array<Int>): Int {
    var count = 0
    for (value in values) {
    if (value % 2 == 0) {

    Wow, this is getting tedious—and we’ve only done three! Imagine if we had a bunch of different conditions we needed to handle… But they are all very similar. There must be a better way.

    Let’s see how to rewrite the code above using an anonymous class in a way that makes the counting logic completely flexible.

    fun countArrayPositive(values: Array<Int>): Int {
    var count = 0
    for (value in values) {
    if (value >= 0) {
    return count
    fun countArrayNegative(values: Array<Int>): Int {
    var count = 0
    for (value in values) {
    if (value < 0) {
    return count
    val array = arrayOf(1, 2, 5)

    Solve: Bracket an Anonymous Class (Practice)

    Created By: Geoffrey Challen
    / Version: 2020.10.0

    Declare a method create. create takes a single Int parameter and returns an anonymous object that implements the Bracket interface:

    The returned object should implement top so that it returns the passed Int and bottom so that it returns the passed Int * -1. So, for example:

    Solve: String Both Ways Anonymous Class

    Created By: Geoffrey Challen
    / Version: 2021.10.0

    Declare a method create. create takes a single String parameter and returns an anonymous object that implements the IBothWays interface:

    So, for example:

    CS People: Shoshana Zuboff
    CS People: Shoshana Zuboff

    Shoshana Zuboff is an author and professor at the Harvard Business School, where she was the first tenured female professor. She may be best known for coining the term “surveillance capitalism”, and for her book “The Age of Surveillance Capitalism”, which outlines a global system of behavioral modification based on the collection and mining of data about our private lives.

    In the short video below Shoshana Zuboff defines surveillance capitalism and discusses how it mirrors and differs from previous eras of capitalism:

    More Practice

    Need more practice? Head over to the practice page.